DMP Dynamics, Modernisation, Progress
Our vision of automation gives a rise to a new era of efficiency.
Design MP company was founded in 2007 for a purpose of bringing a new era of automation for companies of various sizes and sectors. Our goal was – and still is – to provide affordably priced, innovative solutions for manufacturing process automation for small, medium-sized and large firms.
We believe that automation and optimization of processes along with quality and simple, operable, tailored solutions are the key to success. Manufacturing of machines and devices according to company’s needs does not have to be necessarily an unattainable goal. With Design MP it is more available than ever!
Toto nie sú iba heslá, ktoré predstavujeme zákazníkom. Riadime sa nimi aj v našej firme. Vďaka investíciám do rozvoja a zdokonaľovania našich technológií sa môžeme špecializovať na vytváranie kompaktných a efektívnych automatizačných systémov, ktoré nielen zvyšujú produktivitu, ale aj zohľadňujú najnovšie trendy v oblasti robotizácie, technológií a inovácií.
Years of experience
Almost 20 years of experience in the field of industrial automation of manufacturing processes enable us to design and create compact devices with emphasis on their functionality, simplicity, quality and design.
Tailored solutions
Machines, devices, assembly lines and prototypes are designed and manufactured to suit precisely needs of a specific sector. We look for a solution to any potential situation which may occur during a device operation. The outcomes are high-quality devices tailored to your company.
We take pride in high swiftness in developing a design, manufacturing, shipment and implementation. We work swiftly but responsibly and with high-quality. We combine our and your experience and together we create the perfect outcome.
With an emphasis on details
In Design MP we love details. As early as in quotation making, we provide a detailed solution with an emphasis on your financial capacity. It is already in this stage when we actively communicate with our customers about potential risks and problems which may occur.
Affordable price
Manufacturing automation in your company does not need to be financially unaffordable – on the contrary. The design and manufacturing of machines and devices for your firm will be determined by your budget. We believe that manufacturing process optimization ought to be affordable for anyone.
Design MP dnes a v budúcnosti
Po mnohých úspešných projektoch sme získali renomé a stali sa stabilným hráčom vo svete automatizácie výrobných procesov a robotizácie. Dnes sme hrdým a spoľahlivým partnerom pre malé, stredné a veľké podniky, ktorým pomáhame optimalizovať ich operácie a dosahovať významné úspory v čase, financiách a pracovnej sile.
V Design MP si veríme a vieme, že dokážeme každý projekt doviesť do úspešného konca. Neľakáme sa výziev a cieľavedome sa vrhneme aj na realizáciu zariadení, ktorých sa ostatní boja. Naša schopnosť navrhovať a vyrábať aj tie najzložitejšie stroje a prototypy nám umožňuje posúvať hranice toho, čo je možné.
Veríme v neustálu inováciu a zdokonaľovanie. Sme presvedčení, že naša práca môže mať ešte väčší dopad. Budúcnosť čaká na odvážnych – a presne takí v Design MP sme.